A morning visit to Lodmoor RSPB Reserve, Weymouth in bright conditions but with a brisk cold NE wind. I was hoping that the Curlew Sandpiper from the previous day had stayed on but that was not to be.
Plenty of singing Warblers were around with Reed, Sedge, Cetti's, Willow, Blackcap and Whitethroat seen or heard. A single Bearded Tit flew overhead "pinging" but landed well out of view. The Marsh Harriers were busy flying over the reedbeds and a variety of ducks were seen in the open areas of water. Apart from the waders shown below, a single Common Sandpiper was feeding along the water line.
Several pairs of Oystercatchers were breeding around the site. |
A fenced island and tunnels protecting pairs of Common Terns and Oystercatchers. |
Black-tailed Godwits - About 15 birds were present. A few rather distant birds were almost in summer plumage. |
Dunlin - Six rather distant birds were present. |
A Marsh Harrier quartering the reedbeds. |
Moorhen and it's only chick which was trying madly to keep up. |
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