Wednesday 25 May 2016

Little Marlow GP

A quiet afternoon visit, although hundreds of Hirundines flying low of the trees and water.  These were mainly Swifts.  Good to see the Little Egrets incubating still.  We can expect to see young Egrets any day now.  A few photo opportunities presented themselves as below:
Little Ringed Plover - Once again there were four adult birds present on the sand spit.  

Oystercatcher - Hopefully it's mate is on a nest somewhere nearby!
They have never yet bred at Little Marlow despite becoming much more frequent in Spring and Summer.

Wren - This bird popped up and scalded me as I walked along the southern path.  I suspect it had young nearby.
Not always easy to photograph, so I took the opportunity while it was being particularly brave!
Goose species -  A very tame white goose along the south bank.
They seem to be very successful breeding here and we can unfortunately
expect to see quite a few more over the next few years.

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