Another, or perhaps the same Little Gull was again at Little Marlow GP, so I could not resist taking a few more photos given the opportunity. With a sunny but chilly morning, the light conditions were much better.
Little Gull feeding on something on the surface of the water. |
Little Gull with Swallow and House Martins |
With a Sand Martin in the foreground. Lots of Hirundines over the water today. |
Common Tern - 1-2 Arctics were also present early on but not close. |
Another species that was present (reported yesterday) was a Cetti's Warbler. A male was wandering along the south bank singing from time to time. As is usual with Cetti's, it only showed for a split second and gave no chance to get a photo. Maybe another day, as I am hoping it will hang around. One was reported here at the end of April but I suspect this is a new bird in as there have been no reports in the first 12 days of May. This species is a real rarity at Little Marlow, despite them breeding elsewhere in the county. In my 40 years of visiting the site I have only had one confirmed sighting!
Also present was a Greenshank, two Shelducks and two Little Ringed Plovers. It was pleasing to see that there are four Little Egrets sitting on nests. We should have good numbers here in a few weeks time!!