After hearing that one, possibly two Cetti's Warblers had been reported that morning, I decided to pop down and see it I could locate this Little Marlow rarity. Despite the species breeding at other locations in the county (and surrounding counties), it has remained virtually absent from Little Marlow GP. However I did manage to catch up with one in September 2015.
So I walked right around the lake, concentrating on where the Cetti's might be but no sign. However the place was heaving with a good variety of Warblers. Top of the list was Blackcap with at least 20 seen around the lake but this could have been many more, especially as very few females were seen. Three Sedge Warblers, three Reed Warblers, three Willow Warblers, several Chiffchaffs, a Common Whitethroat and one, possibly 2 Lesser Whitethroats.
Blackcaps - They were everywhere! |
Reed Warbler - Three were heard singing and all were difficult to see.
This was the best photo I could get. This bird seemed to be imitating Blackcap and Sedge Warbler songs at times.
Lesser Whitethroat - Singing in trees rather than a thick hedge. However still fairly high. |
Lesser Whitethroat- The first one I have managed to photograph
Supporting cast
Song Thrush - Great birds and I could not resist digiscoping this bird
in one of the taller tress as it sang it's lovely song.
Dunlin - Arrived the previous day |
Great Crested Grebes - Courtship Dancing |
Tern Rafts - A few birds showing an interest. Little Egrets in the background. |
Part of the Heronery - Starting to look a bit of a mess! |
Grey Herons - Ready to leave the nest on one of the west islands.
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