Friday 13 September 2024

Blacktoft Sands RSPB Reserve

 As in recent years, my daughter Katherine and myself arranged for a weekend at Spurn :Point and on-route called in at the RSPB reserve at Blacktoft Sands.

A Pectoral Sandpiper which had been seen earlier in the day did not show but we did manage to see a good variety of birds.

Redshank - One of many feeding in the lagoons.

Green Sandpiper and Teal

Teal - Several hundred were present.

Black-tailed Godwit - Perhaps over 30 present.

Common Snipe - One of the closer birds

Marsh Harriers were frequently seen on the far side of the lagoons from the hides.  Good numbers clearly breed here.

These two photos are not the best quality but show the species in typical hunting mode.

Marsh Harrier - One of several individuals seen.

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