Sunday 30 June 2024

Little Terns at Little Marlow

 I decided to visit Little Marlow GP on a dull drizzly Sunday morning, partly to check on the Common Tern Chicks.  On arriving on the viewpoint at the Point I soon found a pair of Little Terns, a scarce bird in the county.  I watched for an hour or two and they flew to the east side of the lake to fish but kept returning to the sand spit to rest.  I put the news out early on and a dozen or more local birders turned up to see these smart adults.  They are presumably failed breeders.

Little Terns - A pair alongside a Common Tern

Common Sandpipers - Three perched on a branch after being flushed with a Black-headed Gull alongside.  There were seven Common Sandpipers present no doubt heading south.

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