Twelve days in Tenerife was very enjoyable but there was little time for birding. I did not take a telescope on this trip so had to reply on my Panasonic Micro 4/3rds camera. Hence the poor quality of some of the photos.
Berthlot's Pipit - Two seen in very arid area near Mount Teide. |
Great Grey Shrike - Perched on a building close to the Parador near Mount Teide. There was no time to get closer. |
Blue Chaffinch - At one of the regular sites for this species. Seen at Las Lajas picnic site on the road to Mount Teide. |

African Blue Tit - Poor photos but a life tick for me. Seen in several places during the holiday.

Robin - A rubbish photo. Apparently split from European Robin. |

Cory's Shearwater - About 50 seen on a Whale watching trip out of Playa de las Americas. |
Cory's Shearwaters feeding behind a fishing boat. |
Pilot Whales - Several seen at a regular site between Playa de las Americas and La Gomera where there is a deep trough. A young whale can be seen here. |
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