Sunday, 6 June 2021

Mid Morning Barn Owl

 A walk with the dog mid morning produced a bit of a surprise with a hunting Barn Owl.  I soon lost it to view but on returning an hour or so later it was perched on the fence posts shown below.  It was not the same individual that I saw a few days before.  

This was in an area near Leyland, Lancs where there is extensive open farmland with plenty of rough grassland.  Some derelict buildings from WW2 munitions production may well provide breeding sites.

Not too many other birds seen this morning but a pair of Yellowhammers copulating on the path in front of me will surely lead to successful breeding!

Barn Owl in prime habitat.

Barn Owl - perched on the same line of fence posts as the Little Owl on a previous posting.

Oystercatcher - This bird is actually sat on the wall of the local prison! 
They seem to like it more than the prisoners!

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