A visit to my daughters in Lancashire enabled a visit to nearby Crossens Outmarsh, a large area of saltmarsh in the Ribble Estuary. In the winter home to thousands of wildfowl such as Wigeon, Teal, Pink-footed Geese, Lapwing and Golden Plover. Plus the odd Merlin, Marsh Harrier and Hen Harrier.
My visit was fairly brief as we had to drive home later that day but the shear numbers of wildfowl was impressive. Hopefully next time I can manage to spend a bit more time here.
Just a flavour of the site. Lots of Wigeon in this photo plus some Lapwing and Go;den Plover. |
Pink-footed Goose- A poor quality photo but they do keep their distance.
A few Pink-footed Geese in Flight. |
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