I arrived at Little Marlow GP about 8am. I started looking along the west side of the sand spit and photographed the increasing number of eight Snipe. Adam Bassett arrived a short time later and we both started to scan the rest of the sand spit. Just as my eyes came upon a dark shape, Adam called "Brent Goose". There on the neared sand spit was a Dark-bellied Brent Goose. The first at this site since November 2013 and the first I have seen here for many years.
Other wildfowl have arrived in recent days including Teal and Wigeon, plus some Snipe. There were few summer visitors still present with a few House Martins and Swallows.
Dark-bellied Brent Goose |
Common Snipe - Some of the 8 now present. |
Teal - A good number have arrived in the past few days with about 40 now present.
Wigeon are also present in numbers. Both species still in eclipse plumage. |
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