I decided to join the Bucks Bird Club field trip to Farmoor Reservoir, Oxfordshire. The previous day a
Red-necked Grebe, Black-necked Grebe and
Common Scoter were reported, so I was hoping that these would remain.
Fortunately all three did stay and even more fortunately, they were reasonably close to the edge (The Grebes ) of this very large water body. We also saw one or two Ringed Plovers, several Common Sandpipers a small party of Yellow Wagtails and one or more Yellow-legged Gulls, plus the usual species.
Red-necked Grebe - This individual followed us for some distance along the bank. The first I have seen for a few years. |
Black-necked Grebe - Feeding along the same stretch of water as the Red-necked. |
Ringed Plover - 1 or 2 were present |