Saturday 18 June 2016

Little Marlow Breeding Birds

Little Egrets - Young birds perched on a branch close to the nest.

Great Crested Grebe - A rather colourful nest which has recently been constructed.

Great Crested Grebe - Possibly the mate of the bird on the nest as it was fairly near to the nest.

Common Terns - One of the five rafts with a couple of adults keeping an eye on the well grown young.

Wren - An adult keeping an eye on me as it was feeding 4-5 young in the nearby reedbed.

Black-headed Gull - Coloured ringed "White ?8P2".  This species does not breed at Little Marlow (yet!).  Although I could not read the first character of the ring, it is almost certainly the same bird that Adam Bassett saw recently "White 28P2". This was ringed at Hosehill LNR (near Reading) in June 2015.  It visited Little Marlow in July 2015, Ireland in December 2015 as well as being seen at Hosehill several times.

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