A weekend at Spurn Point with my daughter Katherine produced some amazing migration with large numbers of migrants passing through. Thousands of Meadow Pipits, House Martins and Linnets flew low over the Numpties vigmiz point in an almost continuous stream. In the bushes were dozens of Reed Buntings and Tree Sparrows and many other species. Then out at sea we saw Gannets, Common Scoter, Arctic Skuas, Little Gulls, a few Manx Shearwaters and a single Velvet Scoter. As for scarcer birds we found a Yellow-browed Warbler and a Ring Ouzel. Unfortunately we did not manage to connect with the Rustic Bunting which was found just before we left for home.
The following photos only give a flavour of what we saw. The quality is not great and several photos were taken in poor light and while it was raining.
Pink-footed Geese - A flock of 29 arriving on Kilnsea wetlands. |
Redshank - Over 500 roosted at Kilnsea Wetlands at high tide. |
Redshank |
Knot - Several were roosting at Kilnsea Wetlands. |
Ruff |
Wheatear - One of several seen. |
Common Snipe |
Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Sanderling close to the breach at high tideand in very poor light. |
Arctic Skua - The only close one seen. |
Ringed Plover and Dunlin - Flying past the seawatching hide. |
Other birds seen at Spurn Point immediately before we got there or within a day or so after we left included Red-rumped Swallow, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Booted Warbler. An amazing place!!