Thursday, 29 October 2015

Pagham Harbour Trip

My daughter Katherine and I decided visit Pagham Harbour (Sussex) for a day trip.  In the 1980s and 1990s we visited the site many times when Katherine was seven+ years old. So this was a trip down memory lane for both of us.

We arrived at about 10am and soon headed down to Church Norton to try and see the waders at high tide.  Unfortunately the tide was extremely high and prevented us reaching the beach, so we headed to Sidlesham Ferry and the RSPB visitor centre.

First stop was the churchyard at Church Norton.
Always worth a look around for unusual species.

Black Redstart - A pair were feeding in the churchyard.
Here perched on the roof of the church. 

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Above the car park.
Grey Plover - High tide at Church Norton.

High tide roost - Waders included Grey Plover, Curlew,
Oystercatcher, Redshank
and Dunlin.
Little Egret - Plenty to be seen.  In the 1980s these were not present in the UK!

Avocet - On the pool at Sidlesham Ferry.
A species that is far more common at this site than in the 1980s.
South of Sidlesham Ferry.
East Side
Brent Geese and Wigeon
Brent Geese taking flight.
Curlew - Good numbers present

Monday, 26 October 2015

Dorney Lake

Golden Plover - Part of the flock.  The first time I have seen this species at this site.
They took off from the reserve area and flew around for about ten
minutes in typical Golden Plover style.  They left to the north.

Golden Plover - At one point they flew over the causeway.

Stonechat - Seen on the southern side of the causeway.
A female was later found along the north side
Mute Swan - Dorney Lake does offer the occasional flight shots as
birds fly along the length of the lakes

Great Crested Grebe

Sunday, 25 October 2015


Always a nice walk along the river Thames here and usually plenty of Buzzards and Red Kites.

Three Buzzards and a Red Kite (with another Buzzard just out of sight.  The Buzzards were still there an hour later when we came back.  Not sure what the attraction was but maybe just a safe place to rest.

This Red Kite perched conveniently close to the path.

Turning a bit as I got closer.
Too close!

This adult Great Crested Grebe ventured fairly close to the bank.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Little Marlow GP

The ditch/stream in the line of Poplars to the north of the lake
before tree felling commences.

The ditch/stream in the line of Poplars to the north of the lake 
after tree felling.

Grey Heron fishing to the west of the sand spit.

This seems to have been a good year for Great Crested Grebes and there are
a good number of large stripy young.  This one was still begging food from it's parents.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Pintails at Little Marlow GP

These female/immature Pintails were found by Adam Bassett in the morning and remained in the same area into the afternoon.  This is an irregular visitor to the site, usually staying less than a day.

Photos taken from the point of land that overlooks the NE side of the works.  The birds then moved to the E side of the sand spit.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Treecreeper at Little Marlow GP

Showing the stiff spiky tail which gives it support.

Showing the large claw.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Osprey and Ring-necked Duck

I decided to try again for the Osprey and maybe improve on my previous photos.  The bird had been reported the previous day so I was hopeful it would still be there.  As it had been seen almost daily since 12th September there is the though that it must be due to leave soon!

I arrived about 9:30am and did not have long to wait before the bird was flying around the reservoir looking for food.  I did not see any serious dives but managed a few flight photos before it sat in a tree on the far side of the water from the yacht club.

After about 20 minutes the bird suddenly dropped into the water and emerged very quickly with a small fish.  It flew off to eat the fish but at short while later the Osprey was seen flying across the reservoir being pursued by a Red Kite.  I never saw the Osprey again depite waiting another couple of hours and then calling in again on the way back from Startopsend Reservoir.

Ring-necked Duck
Sat in the middle of Startops and unfortunately not very close to the Bucks border.

Monday, 5 October 2015


One of my favourite visitors to our garden.  This Nuthatch remained on this perch in steady rain, before moving.  Rather unusual as they are normally on the go the whole time.

A short while later the bird resumed it's attempts to empty our Sunflower feeder!

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Gibraltar Point Weekend

I attended the Bucks Bird Club weekend at Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire with 15 other club members.  The weekend was very enjoyable and we saw some excellent birds.  Here are my best photos.


Red-footed Falcon- This individual was found the day before we arrived and remained until after we left.  It was remarkably faithful to an area to the NW of the reserve and was seen by all club and many other birders. 

Red-footed Falcon - These are my best in flight photos.
Other photographers managed some incredible photos which can be found on the internet. 

Yellow-browed Warbler - This bird was found a couple of hours before we were due to leave for home.
At times difficult to see in the foliage.

Avocet - Note the colour rings


Merlin - A very distant bird digiscoped from Mill Hill.

Little Stint - Actually seen at Frampton Marsh on-route to Gibraltar Point