Friday 30 September 2016

Frampton Marsh

On route to Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve, I stopped off at the excellent RSPB reserve at Frampton Marsh for a few hours. Many birds were too distant to photograph, or against the sun.  A few of the better photos are shown below.
The more interesting birds seen were:  Wood Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpipers, Little Stints, Spotted Redshanks, Marsh Harrier.  There were huge numbers of wildfowl, in particular Wigeon.

Tree Sparrows - One of the first birds seen,from inside the visitor centre,
as they visited a feeding station.

View along the sea wall.
Excellent wader habitat.
Spotted Redshanks - A good number were present.

Spotted Redshank
Little Stint - One of several seen.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Brent Goose Surprise

I arrived at Little Marlow GP about 8am.  I started looking along the west side of the sand spit and photographed the increasing number of eight Snipe.  Adam Bassett arrived a short time later and we both started to scan the rest of the sand spit.  Just as my eyes came upon a dark shape, Adam called "Brent Goose".  There on the neared sand spit was a Dark-bellied Brent Goose.  The first at this site since November 2013 and the first I have seen here for many years.

Other wildfowl have arrived in recent days including Teal and Wigeon, plus some Snipe.  There were few summer visitors still present with a few House Martins and Swallows.

Dark-bellied Brent Goose
Common Snipe - Some of the 8 now present. 
Teal - A good number have arrived in the past few days with about 40 now present.
Wigeon are also present in numbers.  Both species still in eclipse plumage.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Ruff at Little Marlow

This was a late afternoon visit after a light shower and with thunder rumbling around the area.  I hoped the weather might have forced something in but we seemed to be on the edge of the rain. However I was still pleased to find a Ruff, which is the first I have seen at Little Marlow since 2009!

It seemed to always have it's head down when I took a photo!

It was later intimidated by some of the Gulls and Lapwings and moved to a different part of the sand spit.  It was still present when I left at 18:10.
Also present were 4 Snipe, 5 Teal, 3 Shoveler and 84 Egyptian Geese.

Sunday 4 September 2016

Farmoor Reservoir

I decided to join the Bucks Bird Club field trip to Farmoor Reservoir, Oxfordshire.  The previous day a Red-necked Grebe, Black-necked Grebe and Common Scoter were reported, so I was hoping that these would remain.
Fortunately all three did stay and even more fortunately, they were reasonably close to the edge (The Grebes ) of this very large water body.  We also saw one or two Ringed Plovers, several Common Sandpipers a small party of Yellow Wagtails and one or more Yellow-legged Gulls, plus the usual species.

Red-necked Grebe - This individual followed us for some distance along the bank.
The first I have seen for a few years.

Black-necked Grebe - Feeding along the same stretch of water as the Red-necked.

Ringed Plover - 1 or 2 were present

Thursday 1 September 2016

Black Tern at LMGP

On 28th August four Black Terns dropped into Little Marlow GP for a feeding stop.  It was noticeable that three of the birds kept together and left the forth to go it's own way. The three birds left overnight leaving the lone bird to stay (until at least 4th September).  I tried but failed to get any photos on 28th, as the birds were continually in flight and distant.  However on 1st September the lone bird was regularly perching at reasonably close range and I managed a few photos.

Little Egret and Black Tern
Black Tern photographed from the west bank.
Dunlin - This juvenile was also present for several days.
Black-headed Gulls - Note colour ringed bird "White 507".
This bird was ringed on 27/03/2011 aged as a 3cy+ female at Svanemollebugten, Copenhagen, DENMARK. Since ringing there have been six sightings from the same area. It has also been seen at LMGP on the following dates 12/10/12, 15/10/12, 26/10/12, 06/12/14, 20/12/14, 09/01/15, 02/03/15, 19/10/15, 30/11/15, 07/12/15, 02/03/16 and 7/3/16, plus 1/09/16.